How to pronounce words in Yorùbá

How to pronounce words in Yorùbá

Welcome! Welcome! Today we will be diving into how to pronounce words in Yoruba.

Yoruba is a tonal language, like many of the languages in Africa. This just means that some syllables (parts of words) are pronounced in a high pitch and others in a low pitch.

Don’t worry though, Yoruba isn’t that complicated, it only has three tones which are called Dò, Re and Mí.

is the lowest tone, which is displayed by a downwards-facing accent, it shows that a syllable is pronounced in a low tone.

Re is a neutral tone, that just means your normal speaking voice. You can tell that you pronounce a syllable with your normal speaking voice when there’s no accent on it.

is the highest tone, which is displayed by an upwards-facing accent, it shows that a syllable is pronounced in a high tone.

One way of memorising the 3 tones of Yoruba is through the Do Re Mi song from the sound of music.

How to pronounce words

I’ve created a simple three step method for beginners to pronounce words in Yoruba:

  1. Split the word up into its syllables
  2. Find out which pitch the syllables are in
  3. Say the word

Example 1

How to pronounce the word Yorùbá

  1. Split the word Yorùbá into its syllables

Yo | rù | bá

  1. Find out which pitch the syllables are in

Re | Dò | Mí

  1. Say the word!

Check your pronunciation :

Tone changes meaning

Lastly, as with many tonal languages the way that you pronounce a word affects its meaning, for example the word ‘bata’ could mean shoes or a type of drum depending on the accents on it.

Example 2

How to pronounce the word bàtà (shoes)

  1. Split the word bàtà into its syllables

bà | tà

  1. Find out which pitch the syllables are in

Dò |

  1. Say the word!

Check your pronunciation :

Example 3

How to pronounce the word bàtá (a type of drum)

  1. Split the word bàtá into its syllables

bà | tá

  1. Find out which pitch the syllables are in

Dò | Mí

  1. Say the word!

Check your pronunciation :

Another word that has several meanings depending on the pronunciation, is the word ‘Ogun’, two of the meanings of the word ogun are medicine and war.

Example 4

How to pronounce the word ogùn (medicine)

  1. Split the word ogùn into its syllables

o | gùn

  1. Find out which pitch the syllables are in

Re | Dò

  1. Say the word!

Check your pronunciation:

Example 5

How to pronounce the word ogun (war)

  1. Split the word ogun into its syllables

o | gun

  1. Find out which pitch the syllables are in

Re | Re

  1. Say the word!

Check your pronunciation :

We went through quite a bit today and you’ve learnt quite a lot. If you would like to practice your Yoruba pronunciation with a lot more examples check out Sọ̀ Yoruba’s video.

Great effort! You’ve now completed today’s lesson, the next Yoruba lesson is on Yoruba pronouns…

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